Welcome back for the third and final instalment of our science of activation series, where we build on the science of activation study released by Canada Post.

In this series we delve into each element, with our focus today being Connectivity and its role in activation.


It’s the marketing challenge of our time. Traditionally, campaigns were viewed as isolated channels not requiring integration. Additionally, the limitations of traditional mediums like TV and Radio limited the interaction between those channels.

However, the internet and technology has changed this landscape forever. It’s now possible to do amazing things by combing direct mail and the web; particularly, using your direct mail to drive online response. Canada Post’s recent neurological study supports this: they found that 43% of people ordered a product in response to a direct mail promotion, 64% visited a website, and 54% engaged in social media. Unlike online notifications, direct mail is hard to ignore.

While an email is easy to ignore, a direct mail piece has permanence and has a much better chance of getting your prospects’ attention. The key is to capitalize on this attention with elements that encourage further action. It can be as simple as an online promo code that saves them money on their next purchase, or a more advanced concept like a personalized URL (PURL). A PURL is a is a custom website that uses your prospects’ personal information (usually name) as part of the web address.


Digital channels and direct mail should not be viewed as competing marketing channels, but rather in support of one another. Each can enhance the other and improve responses.

If you have not started already, you should be working to integrate your marketing channels. Together, your channels can be stronger in delivering your message than they ever could be apart. Connectivity is the key to making modern marketing work.

Remember, if you need help in utilizing these strategies, I encourage you reach out to us. Our Canada Post Smart Mail representatives can help you develop your own campaign integrated with your digital efforts.

Want to read the whole series?

Data and Activation
Published On: January 27, 2021Categories: Canada Post, Direct Mail, Marketing


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